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Tip #8 From The Furniture Training Company: Your Delivery is Late (Video)

Furniture World News Desk on 9/2/2021

Every day you have to tell customers that the furniture they bought is late. The phone calls are awkward and discouraging for both you and your customer. This short video includes some easy and effective ideas for setting customer expectations and ensuring they don't become frustrated and angry with you or your business. In fact - you can lead them to becoming fiercely loyal fans. Topics covered include how to:

Set expectations
Apologize for the wait
Establish regular contact 
Under-promise and over-deliver




About Mike Petersen

 Dr. Mike Petersen is the president and co-founder of The Furniture Training Company (FTC). Mike's extensive educational background in learning and teaching is why FTC is able to create instruction that actually changes behavior and improves sales success.


About The Furniture Training Company

Designed to improve sales success, the Furniture Training Company's online sales training program has been used in more than 1,000 retail locations by over 30,000 salespeople. FTC is the creator of custom sales training for such notable companies as Klaussner, Cozzia, Guardsman, and O.W. Lee. Mike Petersen can be reached by calling 866-755-5996 or emailing mikep@furnituretrainingcompany.com.

Educational Tips From Furniture Training Company

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