Interesting excerpts from Spring 1918 issues of Furniture World Magazine.
How to Care for Delivery Horses in Hot Weather
Load lightly, and drive slowly. Stop in the shade if possible. Water your horse as often as possible. So long as the horse is working, water in small quantities will not hurt him. Watch your horse. If he stops sweating suddenly, or breathes short and quick, or if his ears droop or if he stands with his legs braced sideways, he is in danger of sun stroke and needs attention at once. The Furniture World asks all papers to copy this in the interests of our good friend-- the horse.
High Point Market Ad
More Profit. That's Not the Only Reason Why Furniture Dealers are Fast Turning to the HIGH POINT FURNITURE MARKET. The keen, shrewd Yankee Buyer looking for quick turnovers - the live alert Southern Buyers in search of long profit, are every day crowding the five busy showrooms of the High Point Market. Never before have the factories of this District enjoyed such a wonderful business. Never have they had their business so well in hand.
Beware of Strange Checks
One Charles H. Weaver is reported to be forging checks under the name of Hollatz Brothers, manufacturers of upholstered furniture in Chicago. A printed check drawn on the First National Bank of Chicago has been passed upon the McKinley Hotel, at Columbus, Ohio, and business men are warned to be on the lookout for this fraud.
Grand Rapids Market Opens
There have been ill-founded rumors that the Grand Rapids Market would suspend during the period of the war, but these are only rumors. The Grand Rapids Market is here to stay. Grand Rapids is today the first and greatest furniture center of the world, and will remain so, so long as artisans ply their craft, and so long as buyers and sellers of household equipment can twice a year gather at Grand Rapids for their mutual advantage.
In Training for the Front
J. Walter Lambeth is the son of Mr. Lambeth, head of the Lambeth Furniture Co., Thomasville, N.C., one of the brave boys who is training for "over there." He graduated from Trinity College, leading his class in 1916. He took a post graduate course at Harvard in economics in 1917. He was eager to enlist and applied for officer's training camps and finally entered the service... He visited my home and the one thing I could get him to talk about is the duty to his country and he even found fault with his father for not buying more bonds and giving more money to the Red Cross.
"On-the-Job" Sugarman
We introduce to our readers "O.T.J." Sugarman, known to many as the handsomest wholesale furniture man in the state of New Jersey. Of course, you will want to know what "O.T.J." means, but if you have done any business with this young man, and we know that almost everybody throughout the state of Jersey has done business with him, it will be easily understood that "O.T.J." stands for "On the Job".
A Word About the Inventory
A business run without inventory is like a ship without a rudder. Some merchants take monthly inventory, others semi-yearly or yearly... The average storekeeper will state, "No wonder the big stores can take stock in a night - look how many persons they have to help." It's not a question of "how many persons," but of systems that can be applied to any business.
Salesmen's Union Doing Things
The Greater New York Retail Furniture Salesmen's Union IS. This Sunday night, May 20th the Union held it's fortnightly meeting at Hennington Hall. With the aid of the business agent of the Driver's Union who visits all the furniture stores on the lower East Side, the salesmen were told of the necessity for joining this union of employees, not for their betterment at the employer's expense, but for the betterment of the trade for both employees and employers.

Furniture World is the oldest, continuously published trade publication in the United States. It is published for the benefit of furniture retail executives. Print circulation of 20,000 is directed primarily to furniture retailers in the US and Canada. In 1970, the magazine established and endowed the Bernice Bienenstock Furniture Library (www.furniturelibrary.com) in High Point, NC, now a public foundation containing more than 5,000 books on furniture and design dating from 1620. For more information contact editor@furninfo.com.