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WithIt Appoints Elizabeth O'Brien to Head New Board

Furniture World Magazine


WithIt, the premiere international organization dedicated to the support and development of female professionals in the home industries, announced their new president and board for 2009. Elizabeth O’Brien, a Florida-based multi-line sales representative for Star International, Ekornes, Creative Accents and Carter, succeeds outgoing president Tiffany Mullis-Brittain, formerly of Vanguard Furniture. HFIA president and past WithIt board member Mary Frye will assume the position of chairman of the board. In late 2008, O’Brien and her new board outlined plans to increase WithIt’s level of service and leadership to its members, sponsors and the industry. Included in this year’s focus are leading-edge professional development programs, particularly those offered at WithIt’s annual Education Conference; increased regional and tradeshow networking events; access to the industry’s top influencers as well as research data to drive future industry growth; improved Online communications tools for members; an international outreach to grow membership abroad; and ongoing support for its highly regarded student mentoring and scholarship programs. “With a powerful membership pool of talented and committed professionals, WithIt will utilize our positions, influence, and thought leadership experience to support the home industries in a challenging economic climate,” O’Brien said. Other members of the WithIt executive committee for 2009 are: board of governor’s chairman, Kelly Peterson, group advertising director, Hearst Integrated Group; vice president/president elect, Jana Platina Phipps, owner, Home Couture Collective; vice president, Ann Hackney, creative director, Valdese Weavers; secretary, Debbie Beers, vp of consumer insights, Furniture Brands International, Inc.; and treasurer, Kira Staggers, manager of audit services, Grant Thornton, LLP. Vice presidents/committee chairs are: financial development, Veronica Londono, American Leather; marketing, Mary Eitel, MKE Communications, Inc.; media, Leslie Newby, Brand Communications, Inc.; mentoring, Kim Reynolds, Oriental Weavers USA, Inc.; education, Cathy Smith, DeLeo Textiles; networking, Christy DiFoggio, Genre Brand Communications; membership, Leslie Carothers, The Kaleidoscope Partnership; scholarship/foundation, Rene Crosby, Four Hands. Regional vice presidents serve two-year terms and are responsible for organizing events and opportunities for members in their areas. Representing their membership to the board are: in the Western region, Donna Favia, Aspenhome; Dallas/Southwest, Jill Robinson, Dallas Market Center; in Florida, Heidi Higgins, Carl’s Furniture; in Metro/Northeast, Vicky Lederman, consultant; in Chicago/Midwest, Erin Piotrowski; in Atlanta/Southeast, Heather Brown, Bluefish Home; and in the Virginias/Carolinas, Kathleen Holterman, French Heritage; and for a newly formed International post, Catherine Smoak, Jigsaw Solutions. Named as at-large board members representing various segments of the industry are: case goods/upholstery manufacturer, Beverly Kastel, Ekornes; showroom/building, Karen Olsen, MMPI; supplier, Libby Langdon, Libby Interiors, Inc.; and retail, Deb Linkhorn. Established in 1997, WithIt (Women in the Home Industries) is now made up of over 400 members and provides multiple educational and mentoring programs to benefit hundreds of participants and corporate sponsors annually. Each year, WithIt’s WOW awards recognize exceptional women and men in the home industries. Sara Lyke is executive director of WithIt. Amy Van Dorp is administrator. For more information about WithIt, please visit www.withit.org. For inquiries about this release, please contact Sara Lyke at withitexecdir@triad.rr.com, or, by telephone, 336-880-2188; or write Leslie Newby at leslie@workthebrand.com.