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Furniture First Buying Group Meets In Atlanta

Furniture World Magazine


The Furniture First buying group Board of Directors is meeting in Atlanta this week to develop a long-term strategic plan. The two-day strategic planning retreat will allow the buying group’s leadership to focus on the services offered by Furniture First and how the cooperative organization can grow its members. The Furniture First Board of Directors meets each year to assess the operations of the organization and make plans for the up-coming year. Every three years the Board develops a long-term plan. Prior to the meeting, facilitators from the consulting service interviewed key stakeholders from the Board and Staff of Furniture First to help identify opportunities for the buying group, its supplier-partners and its members. The meeting will be used to develop goals, identify obstacles, and create solutions to achieve objectives. The result will be a plan that will guide the cooperative buying group for the next three years and beyond. Furniture First is a home furnishings & mattresses only buying cooperative representing independent home furnishings retailers from medium-low to medium-high end quality products across the United States. If you would like more information about the organization, contact Bill Hartman, President, at 1-800-411-3477 ext. 123 or via email at BHartman@FurnitureFirst.com. www.FurnitureFirst.com www.FurnitureFirst.coop