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Announcement Of The Retirement Of R.E. (Ted) Jackson Simmons Canada Inc.

Furniture World Magazine


Mr. Pat Thody, President & CEO of Simmons Canada Inc., Canada's leading manufacturer of premium quality mattresses and foundations, wishes to announce the retirement of Mr. Ted Jackson on December 31, 1999. On that date, Ted will conclude thirty-eight years of vital contributions to Simmons and the industry. Ted's career began, October, 1961 on the Order Desk in Toronto, During the 1960's and early 1970's his positions included, Account Executive - Eaton's; sales representative, Ontario Division, and marketing representative for Western Ontario. Ted's wide-ranging knowledge of the bedding industry led to him being a definite asset to ISPA, The international Sleep Products Association. At ISPA he was Canadian Chairman 1986 - 1992; served on both the Better Sleep Council Board 1993 - 1994 and the ISPA Board of Directors 1995 - 1999, All this, plus ten years of voluntary service on the Canadian Council. Ted was also a member of the BEDtimes Magazine Advisory Committee. Ted is well-known throughout the bedding industry in both the U.S,A- and Canada as a result of his involvement with The Better Sleep Council, Government Affairs and Sleep Products Safety Council, ISPA EXPO, the ISPA budget, and such issues as mattress disposal, mattress flammability and consumer research "Ted has served ISPA in so many capacities over the years- His dedication to ISPA is what helps to keep the Association strong and viable for our industry members," stated Shawn Conrad, President of The International Sleep Products Association. Pat Thody, President and CEO of Simmons Canada said, "Ted has made a continuous and tremendous contribution to the establishment of Simmons as the market leader in Canada, He has been a -strong leader and steadying influence through some turbulent market times, and has always maintained an amazing insight into the general mattress market, our retail partners, and the Canadian consumer. "His contributions to the industry, together with his personable demeanor will long remain a legacy at Simmons "Beyond being a respected business associate, Ted has been, and will remain, a friend to many people within the bedding industry, We wish Ted and his wife, Kay, many happy years of retirement."