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New Officers & Trustees Elected To IPSA Board

Furniture World Magazine


The Officers and five new Trustees have been elected to serve on the International Sleep Products Association (ISPA) Board of Trustees. Charlie Eitel, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Simmons Bedding Company, will chair the ISPA Board. He will serve a one-year term along with Trustee Rick Anderson of Tempur-Pedic International, who has been elected Vice Chair. Kerry Tramel, Lady Americana Associates, Inc, will continue as Immediate Past Chair through April, 2009. “We are at a major turning point in ISPA’s history with the Board-approved involvement of the mattress retail community. It will now be up to the membership to ratify this enhancement to the association, and I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to substantial industry growth in these exciting times. New marketing and sustainability initiatives position us well for success as a united industry—including manufacturers, suppliers and retailers. I look forward to working with the ISPA Board and membership to expand the market for all stakeholders in our business,” said Eitel. Other officers who continue their roles for one-year terms are President and Chief Executive Officer Dick Doyle and Treasurer Bob Bobowski, both of ISPA. The newly elected trustees are: Gerry Borreggine, Therapedic International; Michael Faus, Carpenter Company; Dave Roberts, Comfort Solutions by King Koil; Stuart Spiller, Hickory Springs, Mfg.Co., Inc., and Kevin Toman, Englander Sleep Products. -more- “ISPA's Board now consists of 13 manufacturers and 8 suppliers,” said Doyle. “This talented team will provide the leadership necessary to address the challenges and opportunities we face as an industry.” Board members who continue their role as trustees include: Michael Crowell, Flexible Foam Products, Inc.; Perry Davis, Leggett & Platt, Inc; Laurie Horne, Springwall Sleep Products Inc.; David Karr, Comfortaire; Hank Little, Atlanta Attachment Co., Inc; Jim Malkiewicz, Wickline Bedding Co., Inc.; Bill McLaughlin, Select Comfort Corporation; Robert Parker, Restonic, Johnson City; Bryan Smith, Southerland Inc.; Tom Taylor, Western Nonwovens, Inc.;; Alvaro Vaselli, Foamex International Inc.; Don Wright, Wright of Thomasville, Inc., and Dave Young, VyMaC Corporation. Ken Conaway, Future Foam; Harrison Murphy, Ventex, Inc.; Michael Pino, Therapedic International, and Bob Naboicheck, Standard Mattress Company, have completed their terms on the Board. “These four professionals have made wonderful contributions to the association. Our Board and staff appreciate their fine support, and we look forward to their continued leadership here at ISPA,” said Doyle. Established in 1915, the International Sleep Products Association, www.sleepproducts.org is the trade organization for mattress manufacturers and their component suppliers around the world. ISPA hosts the biennial ISPA EXPO trade show and publishes BedTimes and Sleep Savvy magazines.