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Myriad Schedules 14th Annual Users Conference

Furniture World Magazine


Myriad Software announced that it has a two-and-a-half-day powerhouse conference planned for its 14th annual Users’ Conference, March 9 through 12, 2008 at The U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego. The conference, themed Evolving, will key in on the state of the economy that resulted in changes to the home furnishings industry responsible for creating a challenging 2007. The conference will also address the refocusing needed to move ahead in 2008 and beyond. “We’ve added to our regular conference menu,” says Myriad president and co-founder, Carolyn Crowley. “We’ll have conference workshops highlighting our new products or enhancements, outside speakers offering new ideas on running your business and hands-on workshops where Myriad instructors will guide conference-goers along the keyboard step-by-step in order to answer product questions or receive hands-on procedures using best business practices.” Guest speakers include Ray Allegrezza, editor-in-chief of Furniture Today, who will present the keynote address – an insightful look at where the furniture industry is headed in 2008 and beyond. Julie Smith of Furniture Style will share results of the magazine’s most recent consumer survey. Chart Learning Solutions’ Lorna Riley, back for a third guest appearance at Myriad’s yearly event, will present important information about Internet-based customer service and sales programs. And Liz Goodgold, creator of the Duh! Marketing Awards e-letter about advertising mistakes and lessons to be learned, will speak on branding. One of the reasons Myriad clients repeatedly attend the annual gathering is education through workshops that introduce new Myriad product additions or modules, as well as focus on existing software features. Another reason Myriad clients are dedicated attendees is the unique opportunity the conference presents for them to share best business practices. This year’s conference will include a Sunday-evening welcoming reception, a Monday-evening dining adventure at the San Diego Zoo’s Tree Top restaurant and a Tuesday-evening gala awards banquet with entertainment. Special conference room rates at The U.S. Grant Hotel will be extended through March 15 for those who wish to stay longer to enjoy San Diego. Myriad Software’s Eclicktic™ business system for the home furnishings industry is ideal for mid-size to major independent retailers. The company is also the business system of choice for six of the country’s top licensee programs. For more information e-mail execasst@myriadsoft.com.