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Hispanic Marketing Expert Joins WHFA & NHFA Seminar Series at Market

Furniture World Magazine


The Western Home Furnishings Association (WHFA) and the National Home Furnishings Association (NHFA) announced the addition of Chrysanthe Georges, founder of the Georges Marketing Group, a consulting firm that specializes in direct response and marketing to U.S. Hispanics, to their Academy seminar series line-up at the Las Vegas Market. The Academy series represents WHFA’s higher level education series for home furnishings retailers. Academy sessions at the July 30-August 3, 2007 Market will feature exceptional speakers daily in the Retailer Resource Center (RRC), from 10:00-11:30 a.m. with a specific focus on consumer habits. Georges will speak on Cultural Insights into the Hispanic Consumer in the RRC on Friday, August 3, 2007. This seminar comes as a last-minute replacement for the previously scheduled seminar, The Consumer Power Paradigm. “Successfully marketing to Hispanics is more than printing Spanish language materials and hiring Spanish-speaking staff. It’s about gaining a true appreciation for the culture. It’s about understanding not only the demographics—size of population, countries of origin, age distribution, multigenerational household dynamics, etc.—but understanding the psychographics as well. It is these psychographics and the many cultural clues that give the Hispanic market its true unique characteristics—characteristics that ultimately must drive marketing strategies,” said Georges. The Hispanic population in the United States has literally exploded over the last decade creating a highly sought-after audience for retailers and service providers. Georges will discuss the way business is done within the industry as a result of the changing face of the U.S. economy. “With a buying power of $600 billion that is projected to exceed $1 trillion by 2008, the U.S. Hispanic market represents one of the most exciting opportunities ever,” said Georges. A pioneer in marketing to U.S. Hispanics, Georges’ experience spans a range of industries and companies, from Fortune 500’s to developing her own successful advertising agency where she has executed virtually any direct marketing or Hispanic marketing campaign. Georges is an excellent resource for helping retailers directly market to the Hispanic population. The WHFA is offering an additional 23 seminars during the July Market in Las Vegas at its state-of-the art facilities in the RRC, Building B, 16th Floor, #1630. The free seminars cover a variety of topics, including how to market when the customer is in control, becoming a great coach for your sales team and the inside secrets of charismatic retailers. For more information on specific seminars, the Academy or the RRC, visit www.WHFA.org or contact Cindi Williams, WHFA Director of Events at (800) 422-3778. About the WHFA and NHFA: The Western Home Furnishings Association (WHFA) is the largest affiliate of the NHFA, representing more than 1,100 independent home furnishings retailers in more than 2,800 stores in 12 western states. National Home Furnishings Association (NHFA) is the nation’s largest organization devoted specifically to the needs and interests of home furnishings retailers. NHFA’s membership comprises 2800 corporate entities representing 10,000 stores in all 50 states and several foreign countries.