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Canwood Launches Contract Division

Furniture World Magazine


Canwood Furniture Inc. announced that it has recently established the Canwood Contract Furniture Group to market its line of quality solid wood furniture to hotels and motels, colleges and universities, lodges and camps, and government and other institutional entities looking for quality solid wood furniture from a supplier with a strong domestic manufacturing base. Established in 1986, Canwood functioned primarily as an OEM supplier to the world’s largest furniture retailer for several years but has been partnering with the retail furniture sector since the early 1990's. This commitment continues. “While our major focus will continue to be the bricks and mortar furniture retailer and, by extension, the ultimate consumer” affirmed Canwood President Mel Kemp,” we have been receiving expressions of interest at an increasing rate from institutions and commercial enterprises with many selecting our product.” Canwood produces a broad range of award-winning products for youth and adult bedroom, home office, home entertainment and occasional. All Canwood products are constructed of SOLID Canadian Lodgepole Pine, a beautiful fine-grained species noted for its exceptional strength and durability. “We are fortunate to have a capable and creative team involved in product engineering and development who thrive on creating problem-solving and innovative products,” stated James Dewar who will head this new division. “These capabilities will serve us well as we undertake a more active involvement in the contract furniture sector.” Always driven by a commitment to quality, Canwood was the first manufacturer to receive the WOODMARK® certification. WOODMARK®, a Quality Assurance program designed by the Wood Products Council of Canada, and administered by the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing at the University of British Columbia for the secondary wood products industry, provides clients with assurances of product quality and supplier reliability. For more information, please contact James Dewar (james@canwood.com) or Mel Kemp (melkemp@canwood.com) at 1-800-974-9663 or visit the Canwood website at www.canwood.com.