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WMIA Co-Sponsors CMA Roundtable Dinner at AWFS® Fair

Furniture World Magazine


The Woodworking Machinery Industry Association (WMIA) is co-sponsoring the Cabinet Makers Association (CMA) Roundtable Dinner at this year's AWFS® Fair. The Roundtable Dinner allows CMA members the opportunity to use each other as sounding boards in a non-competitive setting. The sponsorship is part of WMIA's "Commitment to Excellence Through Technology" campaign. The organization has sponsored previous events and will continue to work with CMA members in pursuit of common goals. "WMIA's mission is to enlighten our members' customers about the wisdom and economic value of investing in and re-tooling with cost-cutting, high-technology equipment," says WMIA President Giordano Checchi. "To do so will reduce their dependency on costly, labor-intensive practices and reverse, even eliminate the current bleeding of jobs to countries with cheaper labor." Checchi continued to say that investing in high-tech equipment will create jobs for technologically skilled North American woodworkers while creating better products and more profit for North American woodworking firms. "We believe that, if our customers manufacture close to their North American markets, they eliminate overseas transportation costs and avail themselves of the efficiencies derived from high-tech equipment," he says. "They can afford higher, but significantly fewer, wages and still be profitable and competitive." CMA members who want to attend the dinner can register at www.cabinmakers.org. WMIA is a Maryland-based association of companies whose primary business is providing the North American market with the latest woodworking technology, equipment, computer software and distribution service channels available globally. The association maintains a website at www.wmia.org. For more information, contact WMIA HQ, 3313 Paper Mill Rd., Suite 202, Phoenix, MD 21131. Phone: 410/628-1970, Fax: 410/628-1972, E-mail: info@wmia.org.