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High Point Market Authority To Publish Market Directory

Furniture World Magazine


As part of the ongoing efforts to improve the High Point Market experience for all concerned, the High Point Market Authority is creating a new directory for distribution at Market this Fall. The purpose of the new Market Directory is to help first-time visitors, smaller independent retailers (defined as those with under $5 million in annual sales) and interior designers more easily navigate the Market. To that end, along with company name, showroom location and category of product, the new directory will provide a number of simple, color-coded designations from which exhibitors can choose. These designations will indicate whether an exhibitor is small-retailer friendly and/or designer friendly, whether the exhibitor is a container-only supplier, has a US warehouse and/or whether the exhibitor has minimum-order requirements. “We are committed to continuously improving the Market experience for all of our constituents and with 12 million square feet of showroom space, we know that the sheer size of Market can be daunting for many attendees,” relates Brian Casey, president of the High Point Market Authority. “Our goal for this new directory is to help first-time visitors, small independents and interior designers quickly identify the showrooms where they will be most welcome. We also believe it will enable the exhibitors who seek to do business with these buyers to more easily reach out to them. This new Market Directory—an insider’s guide to High Point Market if you will—is being created to help all of our stakeholders make the most efficient use of their time here.” According to Casey, the new directory will include no advertising and will be small and light-weight enough to carry in a breast-pocket, purse or briefcase. Exhibitors will be listed both alphabetically and by product category. “The operating words here are ‘user-friendly,’ ” Casey says. “For that reason, it’s imperative that we include all exhibitors in this valuable resource. Since Market is right around the bend, we are urging all companies to answer the call and respond quickly to our requests for information. There is no charge for participating and we know it will benefit each company to do so.” About the High Point Market Authority: The High Point Market Authority is the official sponsor of the High Point Market, the world’s home for home furnishings. Featuring more than 2600 exhibitors and attracting tens of thousands of visitors from more than 110 countries, the High Point Market is the driving force of the home furnishings industry.