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Legacy Classic Kids Recognizes Three "Retailers of the Year" In High Point

Furniture World Magazine


Legacy Classic Kids celebrated its one year anniversary by recognizing “Retailers of the Year”. During the High Point Furniture Market three crystal awards were given in the categories of national, regional, and independent retailers. Wickes Furniture (located in Chicago, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and Portland), Star Furniture (located in Texas), and Puritan Juvenile Furniture (located in Rocky Hill, CT) were honored. General Manager Lee Boone explained, “LC Kids’ tremendous growth would not be possible without the support and partnership of our retail dealers. As we celebrate our expansion, we want to express our appreciation to three extraordinary partners. Wickes, Star Furniture, and Puritan Juvenile are three dealers that exemplify the best qualities of a youth merchant. And, it’s not surprising that all three dealers experienced explosive sales growth in their youth departments last year. These dealers are now enjoying the benefits of their efforts in the category”, remarked Boone. Criteria for the award included a strong commitment to the youth category in terms of product selection, creative retail presentation, superior marketing, and a spirit of partnership with Legacy Classic Kids. Robin Meyer, Merchandising Manager, accepted the award for Wickes Tuesday. Bill Kimbrell, Shirley Toomin, Melvyn Wolff, Alan Kramer, and Don Theesfeld from Star Furniture accepted the award Wednesday. Puritan Juvenile accepted the award Thursday.