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King Koil & Carpenter Company Executives Honored At ISPA Meeting

Furniture World Magazine


Richard Diamonstein, executive vice president of King Koil Mid-Atlantic, and Ed Malechek, executive vice president of the Carpenter Company, were honored for exemplary service at the ISPA EXPA 2006 Industry Breakfast meeting in San Antonio, Texas. The Russell L. Abolt Exceptional Service Award was presented to Diamonstein, who was nominated by his peers for having exemplified the highest level of career devotion to the well-being and betterment of the bedding industry. In addition to service as ISPA chair in 2002, his remarkable leadership within the industry included has included participation on the Sleep Products Safety Council Board; the Finance, Nominating, and Trade Show committees, and the Fall Conference Task Force. “Richard Diamonstein is an outstanding executive, an outstanding ISPA member, and an outstanding person,” said David Orders of Park Place Corporation and ISPA immediate past chair. “He is, in fact, one of the great leaders of our industry.” Malechek received The Robert MacMorran Memorial Award, which is given by the Suppliers Council to recognize outstanding service to the mattress industry. He also has a long history which includes leadership positions on the Better Sleep Council, the Membership Task Force, and the Trade Show Committee. “Ed has worked tirelessly to raise public awareness of better sleep through better mattresses,” said Orders. “He truly embodies the spirit of partnership in the bedding industry.” Established in 1915, the International Sleep Products Association, www.sleepproducts.org is the trade organization for mattress manufacturers and their component suppliers around the world. ISPA hosts the biennial ISPA EXPO trade show and publishes BedTimes and Sleep Savvy magazines.