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Sleep Products Exhibit At Las Vegas Market To Move

Furniture World Magazine


The World Market Center is reorganizing the layout of Pavilion #1 (where the SSA area is located). In the July 2005 Market, the Entrance and Registration areas were located in the middle of the Pavilion. It became apparent after the first day of the show that the natural entrance to the Pavilion was at the end of west side – right where the SSA’s Specialty Sleep Products Exhibit was located. The WMC management has reorganized the Pavilion floor plan to better serve it’s attendees and make registration more convenient in that building. The Main Entrance and Registration Area will now be at the West entrance, where the SSA was located in July 2005. The companies that were supposed to be at the entrance (the 2007 permanent showroom leaseholders) will move to their contracted area – now at the West end of the Pavilion, and the SSA Exhibit area will move back towards the middle of the building. The SSA area will sit side by side with the FAI Futon exhibit area. “At first glance this seems disappointing” says SSA Executive Director Tambra Jones. “I think we got some terrific perks out of being right at the door. But think about it – our unified SLEEP PRODUCTS EXHIBIT is powerful, we’ll do well anywhere!” Says SSA President Denny Boyd, “As a group, we are a destination by our own right, and we have made specialty bedroom buying easier and more accessible than it has ever been! WE are what’s hot and our presentation will be even stronger located next to the Futon Association’s display”. Pavilion #1 had arguably more traffic than any other temporary building last market – and the SSA Sleep Products Exhibit will remain right in the middle of it in January – probably near what was the food court and one of the shuttle drop offs. There will be signs at the entrance letting buyers know about the move – and SSA ads will also announce the move for the January Market. “Last market LADY LUCK smiled on us (at the Grand Opening no less) and we ended up right in the front door of the WMC Pavilions!! We must be livin’ right!! Now we make our own luck!”, says Jones. January will be the second market in a row for the SSA in their SLEEP PRODUCTS EXHIBIT. Without a doubt this Exhibit will be defined as THE destination area for bedroom buyers. “With each market we will build a sense of confidence in retail buyers that there is one location where they can fill all their Specialty Sleep requirements”, says Boyd.