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New Vertis Study Looks At Furniture Ad Insert Readers' Purchase Behaviors

Furniture World Magazine


Vertis, s provider of targeted advertising, media, and marketing services, announced the results of its Customer Focus® 2004: RISC Ameriscan study, which analyzes the cultural attitudes and purchase behaviors of consumers in the furniture category.  According to the study, a significant percentage of furniture ad insert readers who are single or living with a partner are motivated individuals who make the most out of life. They are often described as trendsetters who establish new rules and patterns that reflect their personal and social development.   “With the overwhelming number of messages consumers receive, it is imperative that retailers and marketers understand their audience in order to send the appropriate communication,” said Thérèse Mulvey, vice president, marketing research, at Vertis. “The knowledge obtained through the RISC Ameriscan study educates us about the motivational factors that drive these consumers.” The Vertis Customer Focus® 2004: RISC Ameriscan study shows the following additional findings: How to approach furniture advertising insert readers - Furniture ad insert readers who are single or living with their partner seek unique experiences that speak to their individuality when purchasing furniture   - Since furniture consumers rely on their own sense of style when making a purchase, they will not respond to informational messages - Readers in this category are motivated adults who will relate to messages that contain ambiguity, symbolism and paradox Factors that influence furniture advertising insert readers - Furniture ad insert readers are attracted to comprehensive offers such as a percentage off an entire line of items or brands - Although these consumers search for products that reflect their lifestyle, they also look for items that are the highest performing in their class - Since furniture circular readers are considered to be trendsetters, they often will be intrigued by new products available on the market Influential factors when looking at advertising - Furniture ad insert readers respond well to messages that are meaningful and ingenious - Since these consumers are active and involved individuals, they will respond well to messages that contain movement and elicit excitement - These circular readers respond to provocative, intelligent and stylish messages To acquire a customized Customer Focus® 2004: RISC Ameriscan study or speak to a Vertis executive, contact Michelle Metter or Maria Amor at (619) 234-0345. About Customer Focus®: Customer Focus® is Vertis’ proprietary annual study tracking consumer behavior across a wide variety of industry segments — home improvement, furniture, grocery, sporting goods, home electronics, optical, insurance, office supplies, and discount stores — and media including advertising inserts, direct marketing, and the Internet.  The survey was first conducted in 1998 and, in subsequent years, has been expanded and modified to identify emerging consumer behavior patterns and track shifts in consumer practices and motivations. Since its inception, Customer Focus® has proven to be one of the nation’s most comprehensive examinations of consumer behavior. The survey of 3,000 adults — conducted by one of the nation’s leading field research companies in August/September 2003 — measures both general and industry-specific shopping trends, and Vertis provides the data as a value-added service to its clients. Research Methodology: RISC uses a personality segmentation system to analyze the sociodynamic profiles of respondents.  Individuals fall into one of ten sociodynamic groups based on statistics that are projected into a two-dimensional space according to two principal axes.  The first axis, which points north to south, defines the greatest variance between respondents; their acceptance to change or their resistance to change.  The second axis, which points east to west defines the second greatest variance among respondents; whether they are more pleasure and individually-orientated or whether they are more ethical and community-orientated.  Adults within each group display several key socio-cultural attributes and share many of these with their neighboring groups. About Vertis: Vertis is a provider of targeted advertising, media, and marketing services that drive consumers to marketers more effectively.  Its comprehensive products and services range from consumer research, audience targeting, creative services, and workflow management to targeted advertising inserts, direct mail, interactive marketing, packaging solutions, and digital one-to-one marketing and fulfillment.  Headquartered in Baltimore, Md., with facilities throughout the U.S. and the U.K., Vertis combines best-in-class technology, creative resources, and innovative production to serve the targeted marketing needs of companies worldwide. To learn more about Vertis, visit www.vertisinc.com.