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Concrete Accent Table Designs Push the Envelope with Color, Drama and Style

Furniture World Magazine


There is concrete…and there is concrete. A group of Argentine designers are breaking all the rules when it comes to bringing this robust, easy to clean material into your home. While concrete has become increasing popular as a flooring or countertop surface in kitchens, the Buenos Aires Collection of stunning accent furniture takes concrete to an entirely new level, bringing it into the living room with a sophisticated display of texture, color and bold designs. Brought to the U.S. market by Ethnicities owner, Ben Sandzer-Bell, three distinct collections by designers Graciela Petroni and Daniela Ferreira Bullich push the concrete envelope this season showcasing designs that are bold, creative, warm, colorful and just plain fun. The Delta Collection is about nature. Large leaves native to Argentina pressed by hand into the concrete during the curing process create dramatic embossed tables.  Banana leaves stretching over 5 feet appear on a console table while chestnut leaves create the imprint for accent tables. Tabletops are available in 12 colors. The Contempo Collection is about design and feel.  The artists achieve a velvet like quality that surprises the most concrete-savvy observer.  Six designs comprise the collection, each available in several colors. The Modern Art collection is a fine reinterpretation of Miro and Kandinski paintings in concrete and aluminum.  The designs are simple and well balanced, ideal for minimalist environments. The inspiration for the Collections comes from the talented collaboration of Petroni, an architect, and Bullich, a photography, painter, potter, sculptor and of course concrete master.  Their distinctive work is introduced each year at the celebrated “Puro Diseno” design fair in Buenos Aires received the “Chicago Award” for novel designs and has been featured in Interior Design, Furniture Style and Home Accents Today. The three collections of concrete tables are currently available in the U.S. market through interior designers, architects and high-end retailers in California, Arizona, Illinois, New York and Florida. The full line of accent tables offered in the U.S. can be shipped by UPS anywhere in the country, making it feasible for consumers to buy these functional pieces of art without the burden of excessive shipping costs. For a complete list of retail stores that carry these collections, to view more styles and designs, or for high resolution photography, please contact Ethnicities at 847-732-8009 or bensandzerbell@ethnicities.biz.