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IHFRA Introduces New Reps Software Package

Furniture World Magazine


IHFRA, the International Home Furnishings Representatives Association and SSI, Showroom Solutions, Inc., have agreed to partner to bring a long awaited, comprehensive software solution to the home furnishings sales representatives. Over 1000 sales reps around the country are already using SSI software, the program is complete and ready for purchase. SSI will be in the IHFRA office (IHFC Main, Suite M1405), 336-889-3920 on October 14 and 15 demonstrating this IHFRA endorsed software program and will be available by appointment at other times during market. All representatives and manufacturers are welcome and encouraged to stop by as SSI provides solutions for both. The SSI solution allows you to generate sales orders quickly and transmit them to your vendors efficiently; track invoice and commission information by Vendor to the line item level if desired; receive and import vendor product updates easily as well as administer your territory and customer data with ease. It also allows you to manage sub reps if you have them. This exciting program accommodates those representatives who use the “Know-It” software. SSI has already imported sales history, customers and product data from the “Know-It” system. IHFRA has negotiated special pricing for its members when they purchase SSI products. SSI will provide scheduled regional training sessions and start up assistance. No annual contract will be required in order to purchase this innovative business tool. Real time On-line or phone technical support and upgrades will be included in your monthly fee. Please contact Terry Ammons, IHFRA Marketing Director for more information (803-316-8689 or IHFRAMarketing@sc.rr.com) or call the IHFRA Office (800-889-3920) to schedule a demonstration appointment. For more information on SSI and its product offering please go to www.showroomsolutions.com or call SSI at 877-435-3225, ext.13. -Holiday 2003 Trends Predictions By Robert Passikoff, President, Brand Keys, www.brandkeys.com Holiday Spending Despite a less than stellar economy, consumers indicated that they intended to spend more this year than they did last year. An on-going psychographic trend Brand Keys has observed is that while consumers are willing to spend a bit more, they want to be perceived as "wise shoppers." They'll spend money, but they want it well spent, and will spend time searching out the best deals. Q. Do you think that you'll spend more, less, or the same this holiday season as you did last year? % Change to 2002 More  (+10) Same  (- 5) Less (- 5) How Much Will They Spend? On average, about $710,00, or about 9 percent more than last year. Where Will They Send Their Money? As might be expected, consumers have indicated that they will use the full range of retail formats and channels. However, only one of these channels reflects a substantial percent-change over last year. More non-users of online channels say they'll go online to shop this holiday season. % Change to 2002 Discount Department Stores: 70%  (+5) Traditional Department Stores: 52% (-2) Online: 50%  (+15) Catalog: 41% (+3) Specialty Stores: 40%  (-0) This trend is confirmed by increased holiday online sales. To What Degree? An increase of 62 percent over last year, or $20.5 billion.  On What Will All This Money Be Spent? Just what might be expected, and similar to last years' declared purchases. There is, however a slight "bump" in the electronics/computers/mobile phone category, up 6% from last year. Clothing & Accessories - 50 percent Electronics/Computers/Phones - 45 Books - 32 CDs/DVDs/Video Games - 26 Gift Cards - 41 Jewelry - 25 Home Décor - 20 Which Channels and Brands Will Benefit Most? Customer loyalty assessments are the best leading-indicator of profitability. The following 6 categories are tracked in the Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Index survey and reflect the ranking of brands and channels (according to their customer loyalty assessments) that are most likely to be the beneficiaries of the identified 2003 holiday trends. Search for Products/Deals 1. Google.com 2. Yahoo.com 3. MSN.com 4. HotBot.com 5. Excite.com Online Retailers 1. Amazon.com 2. Borders.com 3. Buy.com 4. CDnow 5. BN.com Discount Stores 1. Wal-Mart 2. Sears 3. Target 4. JC Penney 5. Kmart Clothing Catalogues 1. L.L. Bean 2. Sears 3. Lands' End 4. Nordstrom 5. J. Crew/Macy's Mobile Phones 1. Samsung 2. Motorola 3. Nokia 4. Ericsson 5. Panasonic Computers 1. Gateway 2. Apple 3. Dell 4. Compaq 5. HP Brand Keys, Inc.: Brand Keys is a New York City-based brand and customer loyalty research consultancy. Twice a year Å] as part of its arsenal of leading-indicator measurement tools Å] Brand Keys conducts its Customer Loyalty Index. In the most recent wave of research, 16,000 interviews in the 9 US census regions were conducted with adult consumers regarding 31 industry categories (ranging from airlines to computers, online sites to coffee shops) and 189 specific brands within these categories. In addition to specific category and brand loyalty evaluations, consumers are also asked about a variety of timely market and brand issues. This included anticipated behavior in the 2003 holiday marketplace. For more information regarding the categories assessed by Brand Keys, we invite you to visit our web site at www.brandkeys.com. For additional information and insights, feel free to contact Dr. Robert Passikoff, President, Brand Keys, Inc. at robertp@brandkeys.com or (212) 532-6028 ext. 12.