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Reduce Your Operating Costs.... Use UFAC Advantage To Lower Insurance Rates

Furniture World Magazine


"Fire coverage and product liability are two areas where UFAC cigarette resistant construction is considered "state-of-the art" in safety", according to Charles Greene, President of Classic Gallery and a member of the UFAC Board of Directors. Because UFAC-pledged companies use a gold UFAC warning hangtag on the furniture, certifying that the upholstery meets UFAC construction criteria, it is possible to get lower insurance rates and reduce your operating costs. There is recognition within the insurance industry that upholstered furniture, constructed to meet UFAC criteria, presents less of a fire risk than non-UFAC furniture. Best Underwriter Guides, the Dun and Bradstreet of the insurance industry, lists UFAC products on the underwriter's checklists. They also instruct underwriters to make certain that companies they ensure comply with requirements of fire coverage and product liability. "Companies should not expect an insurance underwriter to automatically reduce insurance rates because of their UFAC connection", said Greene. "Become familiar with the pages and items on the underwriter's checklist that note UFAC advantages so that you can point them out." Manufacturers and retailers who agree to produce, warehouse, and sell UFAC-tagged merchandise can take advantage of the fact that UFAC is providing consumers and their companies with a safer product. For more information on UFAC, e-mail them at  UFACRE@aol.com