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AFMA To Sponsor Workshop To Address Upholstered Furniture Flammability Issues

Furniture World Magazine


The American Furniture Manufacturers Association (AFMA) has planned a one-day workshop on March 31, 1998 that should really spark the interest of upholstered furniture manufacturers. A panel of leading industry experts on upholstered furniture flammability issues has been assembled to address mandatory and voluntary programs as well as current research work aimed at assisting furniture manufacturers in meeting these programs. The Upholstered Furniture Flammability Workshop will be held at the Airport Marriott in Greensboro, NC Dale Ray, Project Leader of the upholstery flammability project at the ~ Consumer Product Safety Commission will review the staff-prepared briefing package given to CPSC Commissioners for their consideration in making a decision as to mandating an upholstery flammability standard or not. Bart De Turek, Secretary General of UEA, will update attendees on the European Community furniture flammability standard and regulations as well as the activity in France, who is considering a standard of their own. Francis McGarry of the National State Fire Marshals Association, will discuss the activities and concerns of the NSFMA. Handley Fincher of Drexel Home Furnishings will address the myriad of flammability tests furniture companies are asked to meet, whether or not they are appropriate for furniture and general ways to comply with them. David Bell of Culp will discuss "Backcoating of Upholstery Fabrics - Problems and Opportunities." Included at the workshop will be several tabletop exhibits featuring products and materials which may be used in meeting different flammability standards. Registration materials have been sent to member companies. For more information on the workshop or to attain registration materials, contact Joe Ziolkowski or Bettie Thompson at the High Point AFMA office (336) 884-5000 e-mail afmahp@aol.com