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AKTRIN Offers Seminars To Mexican Furniture Manufacturers

Furniture World Magazine


The Foreign Trade Bank of Mexico Bancomext in collaboration with the Trade Commission of Mexico are offering global marketing seminars for Mexican exporters. The events will take place in Guadalajara during the month of October. Within the overall framework, the "Jalisco Exporta" series of seminars and conferences include sessions specifically tailored to the furniture industry. The seminars are designed to increase the exporting community's ability to understand the requirements of global markets, as well as to encourage investments and joint ventures between foreign and Mexican companies. AKTRIN has been invited to cover several topics on the Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Furniture Market. In addition to a conference-like presentation, several one-on-one meetings will be held between AKTRIN's staff and Mexican furniture manufacturers. The AKTRIN Furniture Information Centre is an international consulting and report-writing organization, fully dedicated to the furniture industry and its distribution channels. Founded in 1985, AKTRIN maintains offices in the United States and Canada. Affiliates are located throughout the world. For further information, please call Dr. Stefan Wille at (905) 845-3474 or fax at (905) 845-7459 aktrin@aktrin.com