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AKTRIN'S Furniture Reports Now Available In Chinese

Furniture World Magazine


Furnitrade Ltd, a Hong Kong based company facilitating the "Trade of Furniture from East to West" has translated AKTRIN's report on The American Demand for Household Furniture into Chinese. Other reports are still in the translation stage, and Dr. Stefan Wille, President of the AKTRIN Furniture Information Center, anticipates that by the turn of this century all of AKTRIN's best selling reports will be available to Chinese clients in their own script and language. Furnitrade Ltd., which is owned by Objective Advertising Company of Hong Kong, is doing the translation in collaboration with the major furniture associations of the region, above all: (1) Hong Kong Furniture (2) International Furniture and Decoration (Hong Kong) Association, and (3) Shenzhen Furniture Trade Association of Shenzhen, China Furnitrade Ltd Has acquired from AKTRIN the marketing rights for the translated reports. For this purpose, they have developed a web page on which the reports are listed. The URL of the page is http://www.fumitrade.com.hk/3/2-index.htm. Chinese furniture manufacturers are keen in developing overseas markets, and Furnitrade believes that any pertinent reference books would be of great interest to Chinese furniture producers. "Chinese furniture shipments to the United States are growing at an astounding rate", Dr. Wille says. The country is now the number one external furniture supplier to the USA, with shipments exceeding $1.6 billion annually. Only five years ago, China's rank was still in the fifth spot. Meanwhile, Chinese furniture captures a share of over 3% of the entire American furniture market. Wille predicts that China will continue to make significant advances in the United States for a long time. This is already the second time that AKTRIN-reports have been translated into a foreign language. At several previous occasions, Quebec based associations and institutions have translated some of AKTRIN's material into French. For more information contact aktrin@aktrin.com