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Barbados Company To Manufacture Ther-A-Pedic Bedding Products For Eastern Caribbean Market

Furniture World Magazine


Ther-A-Pedic International. Inc.. a global bedding manufacturer, recently awarded Vita Foam (Caribbean), Limited an exclusive license to produce the company's luxury bedding products. Vita Foam, now Ther-A-Pedic Barbados, will distribute Ther-A-Pedic bedding products locally and ship to a number of Eastern Caribbean countries, including St. Lucia and St. Vincent. "We feel the Barbados market will be a highly successful one for Ther-A-Pedic," Gerald Gershaw, President Overseas Division/Chairman Emeritus Ther-A-Pedic, says. "The island offers an upscale market where people are accustomed to buying better furniture including better bedding." The former Vita Foam was chosen to join the worldwide bedding association because of its good credit, solid product line and excellent reputation. "The companies we select to join our team have to have a good reputation because they represent Ther-A-Pedic International to their communities," Gershaw says. Vita Foam will be producing a complete line of Ther-A-Pedic Medi-Coil ® sleep products including the patented Tri-Tec® with the Triple-Edge® anti-sag border rod control spring system and patented Perma-Grip 911 non-rip mattress handles. All of these features are backed by Ther-A-Pedic's exclusive Beducation Sales Training Program. The Barbados factory is Ther-A-Pedic International's 42 nd worldwide. Other locations include Australia, Canada, Italy, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore and South Africa. Now in its fourth decade, Ther-A-Pedic International is one of the world's largest sleep product associations in terms of manufacturing and distribution. Through its network of strategically located factories, each Ther-A-Pedic mattress is manufactured and serviced locally while engineered to the company's exacting worldwide standards. For more information about Ther-A-Pedic International and its patented sleep products, contact Michael Pino, Vice President Operations & International Development: Administrative and International Offices, 601 Bound Brook Road, Middlesex, NJ 08846, toll free (800) 314-4433, or fax (732) 968-7568. You can also visit the company's web site at www.therapedic.com for a complete listing of its worldwide factory locations or email mapino@therapedic.com. PHOTO CAPTION: THER-A-PEDIC International Welcomes New Barbados Licensee Gerald Gershaw, President Overseas Division/Chairman Emeritus Ther-A-Pedic, presents Chester Foster, Director Vita Foam Caribbean Ltd., with a plaque welcoming them as a new Licensee for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean.