Over 155 Years of Service to the Furniture Industry
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In 1892, J. C. Pedersen opened the doors to their first store at the corner of Fourth and A streets in Santa Rosa, California. The population of Santa Rosa at that time was a mere 6,000 people. Pedersen's Furniture has remained in Santa Rosa, surviving the Great Earthquake of 1906, the Great Depression and two world wars. The business moved to its present location in 1953. Designed by J. Clarence Felciano of Santa Rosa and Richard Kostaka of Chicago, the new store was approximately 27,000 square feet enough room to combine the company's used furniture, storage and other departments all under one roof. The store carried Westinghouse Laundromats, stoves, refrigerators and a selection of small kitchen appliances in addition to the popular "blonde" wood furniture of the 1950's. In the '60s, Pedersen's Furniture stopped carrying appliances, specializing instead in fine furniture. The look during those years was Mediterranean with a lot of dark oak. Business thrived during the '5Os and '60s-a sign of the times and the result of a successful partnership. The newer partners kept busy in the community as well. Fred Jr. served as president of the Retail Furniture Association of California and the 20-30 Club. He was also very active in the Chamber of Commerce, having served as president of the Trade Club. As chairman of the Chamber Recreation Committee he started the sailing program at Lake Ralphine in Santa Rosa's Howarth Memorial Park-a program that still exists. William Pedersen served as president of the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club. The '70s brought "earth tones" to interior decorating and a huge expansion of Pedersen's Furniture store. In 1973, 20,000 square feet of warehouse and showroom were added to the store, making it approximately 50,000 square feet. In 1978, the entire interior of the store was remodeled and updated. New faces also brought a fresh look to the family business. During the '70s, Fred, Jr. and his two sons, Ken and Paul, acquired his interest in the business. And William's son, Dick, also joined the business as a partner. To deal with the challenges of running a business in today's market, family members have had to become self-taught managers, slowly letting go of the hands-on approach that was successful in the past. William Pedersen is the senior partner and chief financial officer of the company; Paul Pedersen handles merchandising, including most of the buying and customer service; Dick Pedersen oversees the warehouse operation and delivery service; Ken Pedersen handles advertising, store display and sales management; and Ken's wife, Barbara, works as accessory buyer and handles all the visual display in the store. Although the family members have shifted from hands-on to management positions, the quality furniture and good service that has kept the company in business for a century still remains. Furniture styles from all over the world are available at Pedersen's Furniture Company, ranging from traditional 18th Century cherry oak and pine pieces to hard-lined, metal, glass, stone and lacquered furniture with high-tech appeal. Entertainment centers by Wambold and "home theaters" by Thomasville-the latter including rear-projection, large-screen, televisions-as well as furniture designs in the popular "beige look" are a few of the offerings. And the furniture store still carries carpeting and window coverings to provide a complete decorating service. Specializing in Thomasville furniture, Pedersen's offers a gallery presentation of various room settings-including bedroom, family room, dining room and living room vignette, complete with finishing touches such as lamps, vases and place settings-an approach that allows the customer to see how a piece of furniture might look in his or her home. This switch-away from grouping similar furniture pieces in department-took place in 1988 when the furniture store's entire second floor was completely remodeled to accommodate a huge casual and contemporary living room, dining room and bedroom showroom. The Pedersens are a family of "doers." Their commitment to the community and to providing their customer with quality merchandise and service has been the cornerstone of their business for 100 years. Ken Pedersen served as co-president of Santa Rosa's Downtown Development Association and was 1988 president of the Western Home Furnishings Association. He also served on the NHFA Board for two years. Paul Pedersen serves on the Retail Advisory Committee of the San Francisco Mart, while Dick Pedersen was very involved in Santa Rosa's Junior Chamber of Commerce and worked annually on the city's Rose Parade. In 1994, after an inventory liquidation and extensive remodeling, the store was re-merchandised as a Drexel Heritage Home Inspirations store. Pedersen's is committed to offering the quality, value and service that will make the shopping experience enjoyable and help create a home customers will love for years to come. WHFA, a regional affiliate of the National Home Furnishings Association (NHFA) provides programs, services and networking opportunities that improve business opportunities and management practices of western home furnishings retailers.