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There's a lot of good news at Good Housekeeping these days and King Koil is proud to be a part of it. First of all, Good Housekeeping has updated its logo with a new look for the new millennium. Since its debut in 1909, the Seal has undergone only two other graphic design changes, in 1941, and again in 1962. King Koil Sleep Products is the most widely distributed national brand to carry this seal. In addition, Good Housekeeping has increased their warranty from one to two years. Publisher Patricia Haegele said many companies provide warranties for their products and a two-year Good Housekeeping Seal warranty from the magazine "gives the consumer an advantage over what they are getting." The Good Housekeeping Seal provides for refund or replacement of products that are defective. To be included in this "added value" program, every King Koil Posture Bond and Spinal Guard sleep system has passed the rigorous testing done at the Good Housekeeping Institute. This iron clad consumer policy appears in every issue of the magazine. Further enhancing the value of the Good Housekeeping Seal, the latest study from the research firm Siegel &-Gale makes the seal's visibility even more significant than before. It states that awareness of the Good Housekeeping Seal among consumers is higher that any other consumer symbols, ratings or endorsements. 92% of consumers interviewed in the study reported familiarity with it, a recognition rate higher than even the United States Department of Agriculture's "USDA Choice" shield, which scored an 87% recognition rate. Ernie Friedman, President of King Koil sums it up this way. "The Good Housekeeping Seal is synonymous with consumer confidence and trust. The Seal is a key element of King Koil's marketing strategy and, coupled with the worldwide endorsement of the International Chiropractors Association uniquely positions our Posture Bond and Spinal Guard. Products that deliver quality and healthful sleep setting King Koil apart favorably from other brands on the retail sales floor and with the consumer." For more information on King Koil,E-mail link: kingkoilbeds@earthlink.net