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AKTRIN Furniture Information Centre has several affiliates around the world, all of them devoted to furniture statistical research and analysis. The most active of them is CSIL, the Centro Studi Industria Leggera (Center for Industrial Studies), in Milan, Italy. Each year, CSIL's researchers conduct hundreds of interviews with furniture executives in Europe and around the world. They collect and process information from national and international statistics offices, associations, press groups and data banks. From this mass of information come two series of Trend Reports. One, in nine volumes, is on Europe. Included are The European Market for Upholstered Furniture, Furniture Distribution in Europe and Forecast Report on the Furniture Sector in Europe in 1998. Other topics cover office furniture, lighting fixtures, kitchen furniture and semi-finished products. These indispensable marketing tools are written for furniture manufacturers, importers, exporters suppliers and buyers. Similarly, another series of ten World Trend Reports offer in-depth reports on China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Russia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. AKTRIN, founded in 1985, is a report-writing and consulting firm, fully dedicated to the furniture and other secondary wood product industries. It maintains its home office in Oakville, Canada, and a branch office in High Point, NC. Representatives and affiliates are located throughout the world. For more information see more AKTRIN information on this site e-mail aktrin@aktrin.com