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Furniture & Technology Exhibition in Panama September 9-12:

Furniture World Magazine


As a result of the excellent performance achieved by 1998's FURNITURE AND TECHNOLOGY exhibition in Panama, a new display is being prepared for this year to be held on the Fair Center of Atlapa, in Panama City, September 9-12. One of the main goals at organizing the Second International Exhibition "Furniture and Technology" is the gathering of furniture manufacturers and retailers from the Mesoamerica area (Central America, the Caribs and northern South America) in order to expand their development opportunities, increase their presence in the market and, consequently, such area gains international recognition on the furniture sector. The strategic and influential area where Panama is located makes it an ideal place for trading products. That is why representatives outside Meso America will also be attending (from Argentina, Germany, USA, among others) to promote their associations and establish close relationships in the area. Over 150 exhibitors from Mexico, USA, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Panamá, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina are expected to be displaying on 10,000 square meters. Individuals, such as manufacturers and promoters, associations and embassies are invited to participate in the furniture section, where a variety of products will be shown, as well as in the techology one, where materials and equipment will be on demonstration. The first three days of the Exhibition, from 13:00 to 20:30 hrs., will be dedicated to wholesale dealers; the last day will be open to the public and product samples will be on sale. In addition, a series of conferences will be offered on September 10-11 by international speakers from Germany, Italy, Spain and USA. For more information contact: Bellavista Av. Justo Arosemena No. 323 y Calle 45, Edificio Dollar Oficina A., Apartado Postal 081910531, Panama, Republic of Panama, Tel. (507) 225 98 39, Fax (507) 225 98 43, expopanama@expopanama.com.mx