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STORIS Now in Gear with America On-Line

Furniture World Magazine


STORIS Management Systems, a supplier of turnkey and business systems for furniture, appliance, and electronics retailers announced today that they are now able to receive e-mail from AOL users. With the Internet becoming an integral part of doing business STORIS realizes the importance of having the ability to communicate with vendors. prospects, and customers via the Internet. Storis' internal technical staff had recently identified a problem in receiving e-mail from AOL users. STORIS has worked quickly and effortlessly to enable their internal network to now be compatible with AOL users. This allows anyone interested in contacting STORIS, via the Internet, the ability to do so regardless of which Internet connection they, are using. STORIS Management Systems, an IBM Business partner, provides computer turnkey solutions for furniture, appliance and electronic retailers. Over 250 retailers, including 20 of the TOP 100, have installed STORIS systems in the past decade. For more information on Storis see their web area at www.furninfo.com.