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Yes, PROFITsystem is year 2000 compliant

Furniture World Magazine


PROFITsystems, Inc., the world's largest supplier of retail furniture software, answers questions about the year 2000 problem daily. The bottom line answer is "Yes, PROFITsystem is year 2000 compliant!" The year 2000 is a worldwide problem that affects the majority of computers used by businesses. At the turn of the century, computer programs that record years in two digits will read "00" as in "1900," creating havoc with data systems. Also known as the "Millennium Bug", this is actually an entire constellation of problems that will surface over the next few years. The effects range from the mildly irritating through expensive failures due to loss of business. Many applications only allow two digits for the year in a date entry. How will a user tell the computer that they mean the year 2000? If they enter '00', the software may reject the zeroes as an invalid entry. Worse, it may accept the data, giving the user a false sense of security, but interpret '00' as 1900, in the same way as it interpreted '98' as meaning 1998. "PROFITsystem actually solved this problem over a year and a half ago," says company President Brian McCarthy. "We moved quickly to update our software when we first learned of the problem in 1996. I guess its been taken care of for so long that we assume most if not all software vendors have solved this problem. Recently, however, we have learned that some software vendors are not willing to guarantee that their products are 2000 compliant." Therefore, Mr. McCarthy cautions that asking the question, "Is your software guaranteed year 2000 compliant?" is still an essential question when purchasing software. With only 16 months to go until the new millennium, too much is at stake to risk on two digits. For more information contact jeff@profitsystems.net