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Smelleze(tm) Pouch Eliminates Noxious Furniture Odors

Furniture World Magazine


IMTEK has introduced a new environmentally friendly product called SmellezeTM Furniture Deodorizer Pouch. This product is designed to eliminate noxious formaldehyde and other furniture odors without masking them with perfumes. SmellezeTM provides a safe and cost effective solution to unpleasant new furniture odors that have plagued many consumers and commercial companies. Following is a brief overview of the SmellezeTM Furniture Deodorizer Pouch. FURNITURE ODOR PROBLEMS: Formaldehyde and other chemicals are widely used in the furniture manufacturing. These chemicals could be released into the atmosphere when new furniture products are used and cause odor problems. Unfortunately, most ventilation systems only recirculate room air and remove large particulate matter such as dirt, dust and lint. Noxious odors are left free to recirculate in the air you breathe. Over time, they could increase in concentration and result in serious indoor air pollution problems e.g. sick building syndrome. Medical problems that have been associated with formaldehyde exposure include watery eyes, burning sensations in the eyes and throat, nausea, and difficulty in breathing. High concentrations may trigger asthma attacks in people with asthma. There is evidence that some people can develop chemical sensitivity after exposure to formaldehyde. Furthermore, formaldehyde is also known to pose a carcinogenic and mutagenic risk to humans. The health and odor problems associated with formaldehyde could lead to complaints from customers as well as employees and OSHA fines. THE SOLUTION: The SmellezeTM Furniture Deodorizer Pouch was specially developed to absorb, neutralize, and encapsulate formaldehyde and other furniture odors on contact. SmellezeTM will truly cleanse the air of noxious odors, complement existing ventilation systems, and create a safer environment. The SmellezeTM Furniture Deodorizer Pouch is a natural deodorizer that can be used to eliminate noxious and unpleasant formaldehyde odors rather than merely mask them with perfumes. SmellezeTM is negatively charged whereas formaldehyde odors ride on positively charged particles. As a result, SmellezeTM draws in formaldehyde and other odors like a strong magnet. Thereafter, it traps, neutralizes, and encapsulates the odors without smelly cover-ups. The molecular structure of SmellezeTM is made up of a lattice structure arranged to form a honeycomb framework of billions of interconnecting channels. This gives SmellezeTM an enormous surface area that is larger than several football fields. The latter enables SmellezeTM to absorb phenomenal amounts of formaldehyde and other odors and work for months. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: The SmellezeTM Furniture Deodorizer Pouch is non-toxic, safe, non-hazardous, natural, non-scented and non-caustic. It is an ideal environmentally friendly solution for eliminating formaldehyde and other furniture odors without adding pollutants to the air and improving indoor air quality. SmellezeTM does not contain chemical additives and is especially beneficial for those suffering from chemical sensitivity. APPLICATIONS: SmellezeTM can be effectively used by all types of consumer, industrial, commercial, and medical facilities to eliminate formaldehyde and other furniture odors. DIRECTIONS: The SmellezeTM Furniture Deodorizer Pouch is 4 1/2" X 7 1/2" in size and weighs about 3 pounds. For a breath of fresh air, simply place SmellezeTM close to the formaldehyde and other odors and smell the difference.This product should last 3-4 months and comes with a 100% risk free, satisfaction guaranteed warranty. For extra ffectiveness, use this product in conjunction with SmellezeTM Formaldehyde Absorbent Granules. IMTEK ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION: Imtek Environmental Corporation, headquartered in Atlanta, GA, is a premier international manufacturer of environmentally friendly odor control products. The company manufactures over 100 products under the trademarks AmmoSorbTM, MoistureSorbTM, VaporSorbTM, SmellezeTM, WaterKleanTM, and SoilHelperTM. For further information, contact IMTEK, PO BOX 2066, Alpharetta, GA 30023; Telephone (770) 667-8621; Fax (770) 667-8683; E-mail: imtek@no-odor; Internet http://www.no-odor. Distributor inquiries are welcome.