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Delivery Solutions Updates Corporate Identity

Furniture World Magazine


Delivery Solutions Inc. (DSI), a logistics company that provides home delivery services to home furnishings and appliance retailers in the Western U.S., is launching a new corporate image and identity program. "Since our inception four years ago, we’ve experienced tremendous growth in our capabilities, customer base, and size," stated DSI founder Dave Thompson, "Our new business level required an evolution of our positioning to better express benefits to clients and employees." Westlake Marketing Works (WMW) in Westlake Village, CA was retained to develop the corporate identity program which included a client and employee survey to determine DSI’s perception among its key audiences. Then, a logo design update, positioning and corporate identity program were created to reflect the survey findings and DSI’s future business objectives. "Our new identity is an expression of our core competency in providing cost-effective solutions to any home delivery challenge," Thompson clarified, "As we phase in our updated brand, the key messaging will appear in everything from business cards to newsletters, ads to mailers and beyond." Central to DSI’s image and positioning is the new corporate tagline: "WHATEVER IT TAKES…WE DELIVER." "Our analysis confirmed that we’re filling a niche for both retailers and outside trucking contractors that no one else addresses," concluded Thompson, "That niche is providing all the service capabilities of larger service providers but with a customized, flexible and accessible approach for clients, employees, and contract drivers. Ultimately, we’re all about doing whatever it takes to deliver customer satisfaction for the retailer." DSI is a logistics company specializing in providing custom home delivery services to the retail home furnishings and appliance industries. With core competencies in logistical management and incentive-based delivery compensation, DSI reduces infrastructure costs and liability exposure for retailers while improving customer service through flexibility, accountability and hands-on involvement of senior management. DSI makes approximately 250,000 consumer deliveries per year for their clients, including: JC Penney, Sit N’ Sleep, & Dearden’s. Its network includes over forty employees and sixty-five delivery crews.