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Furniture Industry Data Exchange (FIDX): A Furniture Industry Standard For Supply Chain Data Exchange

Furniture World Magazine


The Furniture Industry Data Exchange is the intra-industry entity "formed for the express purpose of helping the furniture industry become more efficient by adopting those tools which assist in the management of the supply chain," to quote the organization's mission statement. Most recently, FIDX has been working with the Uniform Code Council (UCC) to document the furniture industry supply chain, as it is now and as it should be for maximizing performance, so that areas of improved efficiencies will be more readily identifiable. In addition to the supply chain model, FIDX , along with industry organizations AFMA, NHFA, and HFIA, also supports and endorses data standards for use in business-to-business (B2B) communications across the industry. These standards, some emerging and others in extensive use, form the foundation for potential e-business applications. FIDX supports and endorses the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) EDI (Electronic Data Exchange) standards currently used by home furnishings manufacturers in trading electronic documents with retail customers and suppliers. XML (Extensible Markup Language) is being described as the universal Internet-based language for B2B e-business. XML is an attractive solution because it is more flexible and is considered less costly to implement and maintain and it could eventually provide an alternate format for current EDI standards and transactions. A group of leading worldwide manufacturers and retailers called the Global Commerce Initiative (GCI) has endorsed the XML standard schemas recently developed by the UCC and their European counterpart for B2B transactions. Those XML schemas will need to be supplemented to handle furniture industry-specific requirements, such as custom orders for upholstery. In the future, FIDX will only support furniture industry standards that conform to the XML schemas endorsed by the GCI and UCC. FIDX also supports and endorses the use of the UCC/EAN 128 Shipping Label which uses the AFMA/NHFA Bar Code Standards and is supported and maintained by the UCC. The 128 Shipping Label is essential in doing a complete Advanced Shipping Notice, which is becoming a major business requirement for both large and medium size retail customers. Because the UCC/EAN 128 Shipping Label is a global standard, it can be used for both domestic and international shipments. There are many benefits in the utilization of this label for both retailers and manufacturers. Retailers can be provided information, from the Advanced Shipping Notice, which enable them to cross-dock; schedule crews and customer deliveries; and update internal systems with inventory availability and other data. Each incoming carton contains a unique number or SSCC (Serialized Shipping Container Code) which can be used to receive and track incoming shipments. Manufacturers can increase accuracy and efficiency in shipping; provide more information, in advance, to customers and freight carriers through the Advanced Shipping Notice; meet customer data requirements in a more consistent and uniform manner; and reduce administrative costs. A standard method of product identification is being explored as one of the most pressing needs of the home furnishings industry. FIDX has appointed a sub-committee chaired by Jeff Baker of Carls Furniture to address this issue. The adoption of standards is critical to the furniture industry. We have been challenged by the consumer to shorten the time it takes for them to receive their furnishings after selection and/or purchase. We have been challenged by investors and our accountants to increase the profitability of our businesses. Both of these challenges can be met through the use of technology if we can agree on the basic standards. There is much to be gained by endorsing current standards and identifying emerging ones. Contact: Mary Frye, FIDX Chair, President, Home Furnishings International Association, 214-741-7632, mary@hfia.com Additional Contacts: Jeff Baker, CFO, Carls Furniture, jqb@worldnet.att.net Douglas Brackett, Executive Vice President, American Furniture Manufacturers Association, dbrackett@afma4u.org Steve DeHaan, Executive Vice President, National Home Furnishings Association sdehaan@nhfa.org Talmage Fish, Vice President, Information Services, Hooker Furniture Corp. Tfish@hooker-hfc.com Al Garton, Director, General Merchandise Uniform Code Council, agarton@uc-council.com