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PMP Completes Sale Promotion At Vermont Retailer Devastated by Hurricane Irene

Furniture World Magazine


Profit Management Promotions announced that the company recently  completed an eight-week promotion at Bare Bones Furniture in Rutland, VT.

According to Ron Cooper, Director of Sales and Marketing for PMP, "business at Bare Bones Furniture in Rutland, Vermont had slowed down to the point that owner Ken Harvey was faced with a harsh reality: He could not pay his bills or fill sold orders, and his vendors had him on credit hold.  It was not always this way, however.  When Ken opened his store in 2004, the landscape was set for success."

As Vermont’s second largest city, Rutland rests between two mountain ranges and attracts thousands of tourists for skiing, hiking, swimming and the beauty of the Autumn foliage.  This area is so beautiful many Americans have purchased second homes here, and Bare Bones was happy to help them fill their homes with quality and comfortable furniture. 

But with the decline of the economy over these past few years, Bare Bones customers were forced to let go of their vacation homes and cut down on the recreational activities they once enjoyed so frequently in Rutland.  Ken clung to the hope that things would improve as he watched his sales volume plummet month by month.

When things seemed like they couldn’t get worse, Vermont was struck with the massive fury of Hurricane Irene, washing away the road ways and obliterating any last glimmer of hope for traffic to Ken’s store.
Ken felt like the final nail had been pounded into his coffin.  But instead of closing his store, he called Profit Management Promotions (PMP), who responded with a visit right away.

I arrived in Rutland to analyze the situation in which Ken had found himself, noted Ron Cooper. "  Although we could not remove persistent factors like the downed economy or the devastation caused by the hurricane, we were able to offer Ken a solution that would increase sales volume, liquidate old merchandise and jump-start a new business strategy that would keep Bare Bones in business.

"By partnering with PMP," continued Cooper, "Bare Bones was given a new shot at life.  Their sales quadrupled during the eight-week promotion, they were able to pay their current bills as well as some of their past bills, they filled their sold orders and bought new merchandise, they were introduced to new advertising strategies that generate traffic, and their sales force learned more effective selling techniques.  Although they continue to feel the impact of the recession, they expect the economy to improve in the year ahead, and they’ve restructured their business model now to prepare for the expected upturn in consumer spending."

About Profit Management Promotions:  Profit Management Promotions:  is one of the nation’s leading sales promotion firms serving the home furnishings industry. The company has a proven track record in conducting high-impact sales promotions that help furniture retailers raise capital or liquidate under-performing stores.

Established in 1985, Profit Management Promotions is headquartered in Doylestown, PA, and maintains regional offices in New York, New Jersey, California and North Carolina.

To learn more about Profit Management Promotions, visit www.pmpsales.com.