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Contemporary Furniture Retailer LaDifférence To Liquidate One Location

Furniture World Magazine


LaDifférence, one of the most well-known destinations for contemporary furniture in the industry, is closing its experimental location at West Broad Village in Short Pump. The company will hold a Liquidation Celebration at the store, with similar deals at its flagship location in Shockoe Bottom.
At West Broad, the liquidation is meant to help move the floor samples out. Downtown, where sales remain strong, the company intends to reduce inventory to make room for products from the Short Pump store. LaDiff’s Liquidation Celebration will run through February.
Comments from Andy Thornton, co-owner and founder of LaDiff:
“Sales have been decent at West Broad Village and we could justify staying open, but most people preferred to drive a few extra miles to our downtown store for the full experience. We do not view this closing as being related to the overall economic climate.”
“We hoped for more traffic at West Broad than we received, but most of the commercial spaces there are leaning toward restaurants, which draw more nighttime crowds than retail shoppers.”
“Closing the West End store lets us focus on the traction around the Shockoe Design District. This movement began transpiring in 2011 when retailers, architects, advertising agencies, restaurants, and residents started coming together to make Shockoe Bottom the city's true center for design and celebrate creativity and innovation. LaDiff plays a huge part in this effort.”
“Our energies are best suited around our downtown flagship location.”
“West Broad was an experiment, and after a year we reaffirmed what we always knew, which is that we are urban retailers.”
“LaDiff’s two employees in the West End will move to the downtown store. There are no layoffs.”

About LaDiff: Established in 1980, LaDifférence is an award-winning international furnishings company headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. Locally owned and operated, LaDiff features living, dining, bedroom, outdoor furnishings and more, offering timeless classics and new fashion trends. The company seeks out the best, most unique options from around the world and brings them to customers in a fun and exciting store in the heart of downtown Richmond, Virginia. For more information: LaDiff.com, Facebook.com/ladifference and on Twitter @ladiff.