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Taylor to Address Wood Markets in the U.S. during World of Wood 2003

Furniture World Magazine


The International Wood Products Association (IWPA) will present a segment on U.S. markets for wood during IWPA's 47th Annual Convention, World of Wood 2003. Mr. Russell Taylor, Publisher and President, International Wood Markets Research, Inc./R.E. Taylor & Associates, will make the presentation titled, "The Market – Business Challenges and Opportunities." Taylor will speak on Friday, March 28, 2003 before the largest gathering of the imported wood products industry that includes, among others, American importers and offshore manufacturers. He will provide an overview of the North American, in particular the U.S., market for imported wood and wood products (hardwood and softwood). His presentation will also include market trends and opportunities for importers, and will incorporate an update on trends related to market expectations of product sourcing. Following his presentation, Taylor will moderate a session of panelists representing various markets for woods. Participation from the construction, buyers’ groups, plywood, retail, and furniture sector markets are expected to participate. Russell Taylor is an international forestry consultant and has spoken at many conferences including among others, Fundacion Chile; Miller Freeman, USA; North American Wholesale Lumber Association; and, the World Forest Institute. He is also President and Publisher of R.E. Taylor & Associates and International Wood Markets Research Inc. respectively. Taylor’s background in the forest industry encompasses forestry operations, lumber manufacturing, domestic and international marketing (International Forest Products, Vancouver, BC), as well as strategic business and marketing consulting (currently with R.E. Taylor & Associates Ltd.). Aside from extensive work with Canadian and U.S. clients, Mr. Taylor conducts consulting projects for a variety of offshore companies including plantation pine projects in New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay and South Africa, and international marketing throughout Asia, Europe and North America. R.E. Taylor & Associates has worked with dozens of major firms since 1993 in developing national and global business and marketing strategies in timber, lumber, panels and value-added products. As well, the firm has completed numerous investment and acquisition projects and has developed operational and expansion strategies for independent and corporate clients. Mr. Taylor’s publishing company, International Wood Markets Research Inc. is responsible for various strategic market intelligence reports and forecasts for the forest industry, including WOOD Markets 2002 – the Five Year Outlook report and the monthly international report, WOOD Markets. Mr. Taylor has a forestry degree (BScF) and an MBA from the University of B.C. (Vancouver) and is also a registered professional forester (RPF). IWPA's Annual Convention, known as World of Wood, brings together the largest international gathering of U.S. importers, suppliers, manufacturers and service providers. Nearly 300 delegates and guests are expected to participate in World of Wood 2003, March 26-28, 2003 at the Omni Royal Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana. IWPA Members and non-members in the industry are welcome to attend. Registration forms and additional information are posted online at www.iwpawood.org/convention.html . The International Wood Products Association is the only group in the United States organized to represent the interests of companies active in the import of wood and wood products. Membership also includes companies with interests allied to the trade (manufacturers, sales representatives, steamship lines, customs brokers, port authorities and others) and overseas producers and exporters of wood products to the U.S., as well as the major organizations to which these producers belong. IWPA - 4214 King Street West - Alexandria, Virginia 22302 USA - Phone: 703-820-6696 Fax: 703-830-8550 eMail: info@iwpawood.org www.iwpawood.org