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ISPA Helps To Foil Rhode Island Mattress Recycling EPR Bill

Furniture World Magazine


Thanks to opposition from the International Sleep Products Association (ISPA) and other manufacturing groups, the Rhode Island Legislature adjourned last week without passing a bill that would have required mattress manufacturers and retailers operating there to participate in an “extended producer responsibility” (EPR) program. An EPR program makes manufacturers responsible for funding and operating a system for collecting and disposing of consumer products at the end of their useful lives. The Rhode Island legislation that died last week would have required the mattress industry to develop such an EPR program specifically for mattresses discarded in that state. 

“This is a significant victory for our industry,” noted ISPA President Ryan Trainer. “ISPA supports efforts to promote the proper disposal of used mattresses, but the Rhode Island legislation would have set a bad precedent. ISPA believes that used mattress recycling efforts must develop and evolve on their own without the interference of costly and impractical state mandates.”

ISPA provided testimony opposing the bill and met with influential legislators and agency staff to educate them on the economic harm that legislation like this would have caused mattress manufacturers and retailers.  To help defeat the legislation, ISPA also enlisted the assistance of its members, mattress retailers and other industries that manufacture consumer products targeted by EPR efforts like this in other states. 

Established in 1915, the International Sleep Products Association (ISPA) is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the growth, profitability and stature of the mattress industry.  As the industry’s trade organization, ISPA represents over 600 mattress manufacturers and suppliers throughout the world.

ISPA provides a wide range of services that benefit its membership.  These include exclusive industry surveys and statistics, advocacy support, educational offerings, the industry’s ISPA EXPO trade show, safety research through its Sleep Products Safety Council, consumer research and education through its Better Sleep Council, BedTimes and Sleep Savvy publications, the ISPAEarth™ Industry Sustainability Initiative, and more.

To learn more, visit www.sleepproducts.org or contact info@sleepproducts.org.