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Easy Furniture Web Tip #120 - Customer Service Questionnaire Yields Great Website Testimonials

Furniture World Magazine


By Katherine Andes

Usually, when I need testimonials for a client’s website, I have to have him get me names of customers, so I can contact and interview them.

Recently, a new client floored me. When I told him I needed testimonials for the rewrite of his website, he opened a drawer and plopped a large stack of papers on the desk.

That has never happened to me!

I thumbed through the stack. They were questionnaire forms that he had sent to his customers after a sale. The forms had a few multiple-choice questions and the customer could circle a number denoting his or her satisfaction, from 1 to 5 (poor to great).

The last question left room for additional comments.

While many of the forms had been returned with just numbers circled — almost all 5’s, many customers had taken the time to write glowing testimonials.

There were so many good testimonials, that I had trouble selecting which ones to spotlight on his website. I call that an embarrassment of riches!

This is gold for my client. His testimonials sprinkled throughout his website pages will be proof that his company delivers what he claims.

This is such an easy way to gather excellent testimonials, I plan to recommend the procedure to all my clients.

Here are some questions you might include in your form …

  • How did you find our store?
  • Why did you select us?
  • Was your sales rep knowledgeable and helpful?
  • Did we help you select your product?
  • Did we respond promptly to your phone calls or emails?
  • Did delivery go smoothly?
  • Did you find all of our staff to be professional and courteous?
  • Do you have any further questions?
  • Would you please share your comments about your overall experience dealing with us?
  • May we use your name and comments in our promotional materials?

Note: Beside securing testimonials, the first two questions will provide you some valuable market research information.

Easy Furniture Web Tip 120: A follow-up questionnaire sent to your customers after a sale enhances customer service, provides market research, and yields great testimonials.

Katherine Andes specializes in copywriting for SEO and search engine optimization —including page customization for storefront and franchise websites. You can phone her at 559.589.0379 or email at Kathy@AndesAndAssociates.com.

Easy Furniture Web Tips

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