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Furniturecore.Com Taps Ron Sellers As Senior Vice President Of Sales

Furniture World Magazine


Ron Sellers

FurnitureCore.com, a dynamic web portal to vital research, designed expressly for the home furnishings industry, announced the addition of Ron Sellers as senior vice president of sales. In this new position, he will report to Bob George, managing partner of Impact Consulting Inc., which launched FurnitureCore.com in 2009 as a separate company.
FurnitureCore equips online subscribers with customized research to improve their market share and bottom line profitability. The virtual resource provides comprehensive market intelligence by integrating dozens of databases with extensive, proprietary FurnitureCore research, creating information that is relevant to each client, and making it easy for retailers and manufacturers to apply it to their business model.  
“Ron brings an undivided focus and many years of industry knowledge to offer a clear vision to retailers and manufacturers about how FurnitureCore can help their business regardless of economic conditions,“ George says. “Ron will head up sales for FurnitureCore, a groundbreaking web interface for retailers and manufacturers which provides affordable ongoing access to relevant information using the power of technology.”
FurnitureCore currently is used by manufacturers and retailers, including adoption by the National Home Furnishings Association and the Western Home Furnishings Association,   and retail buying groups including Furniture First and the Furniture Marketing Group.
“Ron has been instrumental to the success of my companies for more than 10 years. Since we already work with FurnitureCore, we are excited about his move. Their services allow us to know our market share, advertising effectiveness, merchandising, consumer preferences and segmentation in our market,” says Lee Goodman, president and CEO of the San Diego-based Jerome’s.  “In house, we refer to FurnitureCore as our retail brain and we’re thrilled that Ron is joining the FurnitureCore team to help take the company to the next level.”
Sellers most recently served as vice president of sales for Escalate Retail Systems (formally GERS Retail Systems), a leading provider of enterprise software solutions for the home furnishings industry.  Prior to that, he was a founder of FurnishNet, which has become the home furnishings standard for electronic data interchange.   
“FurnitureCore offers business intelligence that is essential for making educated decisions and creating effective strategies in today’s world,” Sellers says. “This is the platinum resource standard for home furnishings information for both retailers and manufacturers so that they can accurately compare themselves to their specific market.
“It’s irrelevant if the home furnishings market is up or down.  A company should focus on growing its market share and FurnitureCore provides the information that they need to do that,” he says. “FurnitureCore offers research you can’t live without.”
FurnitureCore.com was created by Impact Consulting Inc., in 2009 as a dynamic web application for the furniture industry. In a unique virtual environment, subscribers gain access to comprehensive data based on dozens of resources including primary FurnitureCore research, consumer research, economic indicators, productivity tools, industry trends and proprietary insights. As a sister company using the latest internet technology, FurnitureCore offers a data-only option from Impact Consulting, which has provided management and primary research to its home furnishings clients for more than 30 years. The ground-breaking technology of FurnitureCore.com,
www.furniturecore.com, creates affordable research you can’t live without.