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Banner Marketing Unveils Furniture Retail Index at Las Vegas Market

Furniture World Magazine


Banner Marketing, a Spokane-based integrated marketing and advertising firm, unveiled the first-ever “Banner Retail Index: A Report on Current Trends in the Retail Furniture Industry.” Data to support the index was collected from Jan. 9, 2010 through Jan. 3, 2011 from more than 126 individual furniture dealers across the nation for which Banner Marketing creates, maintains and tracks websites.

“After a challenging couple of years for the furniture industry, we thought it was important to take a close look at data that is already accessible to us and pull out the key trends,” said John Dresel, CEO of Banner Marketing. “By doing so, we’re hoping to show dealers and decision makers what consumers are looking for online, and how and where they’re finding the information.”

The data, an aggregate representation of data from the 126 websites, monitors how visitors are using the website, what promotions are working and those that aren’t, and showcases the items that are being most searched online.

Key findings include:

  • Unique web visitors – Ranges from 37,000 in a year to a handful.
    Most effective coupons – Offers between $501 and $1,000 off the purchase price.
  • Top offer resulting in coupon request – Enter to win a five-piece living room group, $250 gift certificate or free mattress set.
  • Most popular offer – $500-$1,000 off.
  • Most popular products searched online – mattresses.

Copies of the Retail Index can be downloaded at www.bannerretail.com. Banner Marketing plans to continue to aggregate this data into a report and will issue Volume 2 in the future.

About Banner Marketing: Banner Marketing helps businesses grow through integrated marketing: a combination of digital and traditional marketing strategies that reaches a company’s key consumers and inspires them to buy. In business since 1983 and based in Spokane, Wash., Banner develops creative content to support its clients’ brands (from traditional circulars to cutting-edge websites), keeps that content up-to-date, tracks program results, and provides reporting to refine and adjust strategies for even greater success. Banner provides cohesive programs and experiences that translate into stronger brands, increased sales, and improved advertising spend and frequency. Learn more at www.bannerretail.com.