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Furniture World Magazine



Powerful Video interviews: Features your products... your showrooms... your marketing and design initiatives... your factory... or your customers (speaking about their business and their  relationship with your company). Shows are professionally produced and edited. Email russ@furninfo.com for more information on this exciting new program from Furniture World Magazine.

Produced:  Videos can be produced on site, in the studio of our partner Jack Wells of Jack Wells Consulting... via online video interviews... or using new or existing video footage.

Featured: Shows are prominently displayed on the FurnitureWorldTV.com website. They are also  available for posting to your company website... your customers’ websites... and YouTube.

Promoted:  A  banner on the high traffic furninfo.com website links to the home page of FurnitureWorldTV.com. Web banners on furninfo.com link directly to your video on FurnitureWorldTV and e-blasts send Furniture Word e-subscribers to to view your shows.

Compatible: Flash and html5 for iPad compatibility.

Affordable: Professional video produced at a fraction of the price available elsewhere.

Email: russ@furninfo.com for more information on this exciting new program from Furniture World Magazine or speak to Barton or Russell by calling 914-235-3095.

Furniture World Magazine: 1333A North Avenue, #437, New Rochelle, NY 10804 - Serving the furniture industry since 1870.