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Easy Furniture Web Tip #73 - More on Web Page Headlines for Landing Pages

Furniture World Magazine


By Katherine Andes

Last week, I wrote about crafting headlines for landing pages focusing on "the pain" your customer may be feeling. The idea was to help her identify with that pain and then see your product or service as a way to get rid of that pain fast.

Another approach would be to develop headlines focusing on hope.

Hope is a powerful motivator. Without hope, we wouldn’t get out of bed!

For examples, we’ll use the same companies as last week, but instead of pain, we’ll focus on hope.

A mattress company could write a headline:

It’s really, really possible to wake up feeling …  just wonderful!

Or a student and dorm room furniture seller might write:

In four years, she’ll say: "Thanks, Mom and Dad, I couldn’t have done it without you!" 

Or a landing page about entertainment centers might lead with:

Your family room is about to become perfect! 

Now the above headlines may not be the best, but they do illustrate the idea of placing hope in your customer’s mind. 

Hope makes people feel strong and confident. It helps to win their hearts. Most importantly, it helps them to take action.

As always, combine compelling headlines with a great product, competitive price, easy checkout, and you have a sale.

Easy Furniture Web Tip #73: Stir up hope in your customer with your web page headlines to win her heart and help her to take action.


Katherine Andes is a consultant who specializes in web content development, including Internet copywriting with search engine optimization (SEO), and custom content — especially in the home improvement market. You can phone her at 559.589.0379 or email at kathy@andesandassociates.com.

Easy Furniture Web Tips

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