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Easy Furniture Web Tip #68 - The Relationship Begins With Your Website Content

Furniture World Magazine


By Katherine Andes 

Ready-to-buy customers should be the goal of most furniture dealer websites.  

When someone arrives at your website from a search, a pay per click ad, or other source, that person is on a mission to solve a problem. Your site, therefore, needs to immediately show how your company can solve the visitor’s problem. Beyond that it should show why your company is the best choice to solve that problem and why there’s no real need to shop elsewhere. 

But there needs to be something else. 

There needs to be the beginning of a relationship between your company and the visitor. 

This is done first by doing an in-depth "creative review" of your company to unearth all the gems of what makes your company great … and proof of same.  It can’t be done hastily. It must be done thoughtfully.  When this review is done, it becomes your "website content bible" that will help you develop custom content for your key web pages that will truly woo your customer. 

Easy Furniture Web Tip #68: Focus on developing a relationship with your prospects through your website content. When they walk through your doors, they will be ready-to-buy. 

Katherine Andes is a consultant who specializes in web content development, including search engine optimization (SEO), writing key web pages, and online web marketing — especially in the home improvement market. You can phone her at 559.589.0379 or email at kathy@andesandassociates.com. 

Easy Furniture Web Tips

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