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Malkiewicz and Van Dyke Receive Top Bedding Honor

Furniture World Magazine


Raymond (Ray) Malkiewicz, of Wickline Bedding Co., and Sanford (Sandy) Van Dyke, President of Interwoven Group, were honored for exemplary service at the recent  ISPA EXPO 2010 Industry Breakfast meeting in Charlotte, NC. 

The Russell L. Abolt Exceptional Service Award was presented to Malkiewicz, who was nominated by his peers for having exemplified the highest level of career devotion to the well-being and betterment of the bedding industry. In addition to service as ISPA chair in 1995, his remarkable leadership within the industry has included participation on the Sleep Products Safety Council Board; the Finance, Nominating, and Trade Show Committees, and the Better Sleep Council. 

“Ray Malkiewicz has been one of the most outstanding contributors to ISPA during his 40+ years with the association,” said ISPA Chair Don Wright. “He has been one of the great leaders of our industry and a great mentor to many.” 

Van Dyke received The Robert MacMorran Memorial Award, which is given by the Suppliers Council to recognize outstanding service to the mattress industry. He also has a long history of ISPA service which includes the General Chair of the Suppliers Council, and leadership positions on the ISPA Board of Trustees; the Finance, Tradeshow and Nominating committees; and the Membership Task Force.

“Sandy embodies the spirit of hard work, dedication and partnership in the bedding industry,” noted Wright. “He has extraordinary personal integrity, and a tremendous amount of dedication towards ISPA." 

To see a list of past winners of the Russell L. Abolt Exceptional Service and Robert MacMorran Memorial awards, visit http://www.sleepproducts.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Member_Resource_Center/ISPA_Awards/ISPA_Awards.htm  

Established in 1915, the International Sleep Products Association (ISPA) is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the growth, profitability and stature of the mattress industry.  As the industry’s trade organization, ISPA represents over 600 mattress manufacturers and suppliers throughout the world. 

ISPA provides a wide range of services that benefit its membership.  These include exclusive industry surveys and statistics, advocacy support, educational offerings, the industry’s ISPA EXPO trade show, safety research through its Sleep Products Safety Council, consumer research and education through its Better Sleep Council, BedTimes and Sleep Savvy publications, the ISPAEarth™ Industry Sustainability Initiative, and more. 

To learn more, visit www.sleepproducts.org or contact info@sleepproducts.org.