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Lew Nick Is New Retail Product and Marketing Consultant for AICO.

Furniture World Magazine


AICO/Amini Innovation, Corp. announced that one of their most seasoned veteran sales representatives, Lew Nick, has accepted the new position of Retail Product and Marketing Consultant to AICO.  In this new role, Nick will be responsible for identifying emerging trends in the marketplace, and relay to the company the needs of retailers in the areas of sales, marketing, and product development. 

Nick’s background in retail has empowered him to take on this new role, as he has been instrumental in the success and growth of AICO for many years, while representing AICO in the Los Angeles area. 

At a recent Sales Representative Award dinner during the Las Vegas Market, AICO’s founder, and CEO, Michael Amini presented Nick with the Lifetime Achievement Award, which was received with a standing ovation from the entire AICO sales force and many office staff who were in attendance at the event. 

“I never forget people that give me a helping hand, or that work passionately,” stated Amini as he announced the award.  “We all need that helping hand sometime in our career to help us up the hill, and that help could come from a wife, a friend, a colleague, or it might just be an idea someone gives.  I want to salute that person who gave me that idea, and so I raise my hand to Lew Nick, my friend.” 

“I’ve been in the biz a long time,” said Nick upon acceptance of the award.  “I went down to Michael’s warehouse when he was first starting, and he asked me if I would help him. I agreed because I saw so much potential in him.  I have never seen anyone take on as much, and learn as quickly as Michael, and I’ve never been so proud to be a part of a company.  I love everyone in it, and it’s the warmest family I’ve ever been associated with, and I want to be here longer.” 

“We wish Lew all the best in his new responsibilities, and will all enjoy working with him in various capacities in the days to come.  We are so excited for this new role for Lew, as we all have such deep admiration and respect for him,” stated Larry Rinaldi, president of AICO. 

Over the next few weeks, Nick will be transitioning from full time day-to-day selling, to his new position, and will be making himself available to various departments. In the meantime, Nick’s partner Gina Azilazian will assume full responsibility for both her current accounts as well as Nick’s.