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Industry-Wide Web Summit 2.0 Convenes in High Point

Furniture World Magazine


HFIA announced that on April 24, 2009, home furnishings retailers, manufacturers, representatives and suppliers are invited tol gather at the Industry-Wide Web Summit 2.0 in High Point, NC to learn the bottom-line, real-world methods of making the web work for their retail businesses. If you’re in the home furnishings industry, you are fighting against: • Increasing expenses •Decreasing revenues Being online is the solution to both problems. We’ve broken online marketing down to its basic fundamentals and have streamlined our teaching methods to transfer that know-how in just three hours of teaching and an hour of interactive discussion. Once you understand the fundamentals, creating an Internet presence capable of boosting your bottom line becomes a paint-by-numbers process. Mary Frye, President of the Home Furnishings Independents Association, the Dallas-based association of independent retailers, will emcee the Web Summit. FurnitureDealer.net founder Andy Bernstein will help furniture sellers eliminate channel conflict by converting online leads into in-store sales; Leslie Carothers, principal of The Kaleidoscope Partnership, will speak to us about social media conversational marketing; and Chris Millet, Senior Business Consultant for PROFITconsulting, will demonstrate how to analyze, measure and improve your ROI through eMarketing. David Lively of The Lively Merchant and Rick Doran of R&A Marketing will join the panel for a question and answer session to conclude the Summit. “The feedback we received after the first Summit at the Vegas market was overwhelming,” states David Lively. “Our industry is eager to learn how to engage the online furniture shopper. Without an online strategy, it’s game over.” The Industry-Wide Web Summit 2.0 will be held at the Market Square Building on Friday, April 24, 2009, from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Seating is limited and registration is required for this free event. Go to www.thelivelymerchant.com to register online. Please contact David Lively at 740-415-3192 to learn more about how the Summit will benefit the home furnishings industry.