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Success Secret #1 From Furniture Training Company: Role Play

Furniture World News Desk on 6/4/2019

Role playing may be the easiest and most effective way to help your salespeople make sales improvements. Role playing is simply defined as pretending to be someone else or pretending to be in a specific situation that you are not actually in at the time.

Role playing gives salespeople the chance to practice on each other rather than on the customers you pay so much to attract into your store. Roleplaying helps sales people get “warmed up” and “in the zone” for all the sales conversations they’ll have throughout the day. Role playing also lets you see how well each salesperson is able to perform the different parts of the sales process. If they struggle during the role play than its likely they'll struggle with real customers.

To role play the act of greeting a customer you can ask one of your salespeople to approach another salesperson with the greeting they’d actually use. Let the conversation play out for a few sentences to see how appropriate and effective their greeting is. Allow each person to practice greeting five times or more.

Have your sales team practice different parts of the greeting process each and every day. Veterans, as well as new hires, will benefit from role playing activities.

If your team gives any push back you can remind them that athletes, musicians, pilots and other professionals regularly practice their processes to ensure they're always perform their best.

About Mike Petersen: Dr. Mike Petersen is the president and co-founder of The Furniture Training Company (FTC). Mike's extensive educational background in learning and teaching is why FTC is able to create instruction that actually changes behavior and improves sales success.

About The Furniture Training Company: Designed to improve sales success, the Furniture Training Company's online sales training program has been used in more than 1,000 retail locations by over 30,000 salespeople. FTC is the creator of custom sales training for such notable companies as Klaussner, Cozzia, Guardsman, and O.W. Lee.

Mike Petersen can be reached by calling 866-755-5996 or emailing mikep@furnituretraining

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