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Problem With Canadel Mix-Up

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Canadel was represented to me to be the top of the line in custom furniture, so I took the bait. I ordered a dining table, six chairs, china hutch with base. Four and a half months later I got the furniture only to see that the hutch was incorrectly represented in the Canadel catalog. It was to have 2 drawers and it only had one. My furniture store finally got to across to the Canadel people that they continued to send a base with only one drawer. Canadel then says there is an error in the catalog. The table's apron doesn't match in color or style to the table top, and the apron has a gap where the table is divided to allow for the leaf. This gap is covered with a thin piece of wood that is stapled onto the wood of the apron. The hutch has three doors, of which two face each other and the one you must close first, isn't measured correctly so it leaves an opening at the top. I really don't think Canadel should be in the furniture business or at least not in the custom building of furniture. I believe that I've received "seconds" that extra or spare parts were combined. I know better than to buy sight unseen, but it was SUPPOSED to be the best there is. What would you do in my place? I'm needing advice as to what to do. Kay kschreier@msn.com

Posted By Kay, 2/28/2005

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From Russell at Furniture World Magazine, 2/28/2005  9:31 AM

Dear Kay, I've never received any complaints like this about Canadel. I wouldn't call Canadel the "finest" in custom furniture but it is my opinion that they make a very nice mid-priced line of furniture made in volume with custom options. You are the retailer's customer and the retailer is responsible for your satisfaction... even if it is the manufacturer's fault. If Canadel made a mistake in their catalog and sold the retailer the wrong goods, then the retailer has the option of going to Canadel for satisfaction... but you are not Canadel's customer,and although you may sympathize with the retailer... you business is with the retailer only. - Russell